Sunday, August 12, 2012


Like I mentioned yesterday, sometimes I miss the day when Jillian didn't talk.

You know, when she's telling me no... or I need time out...

Most specifically at 6:30 AM, on the dot, when I'm woken to the sounds of someone yelling "MAMA MERE!!! For those of you who don't speak JBean, that means Mama, come get me now before I go ape shit on you. This generally means I do not have time to pass go... or pee... time to get that baby outta bed.

I guess I shouldn't complain. JBean still sleeps in a crib and doesn't show much desire to sleep in a bed, which seems like a good thing for now since I can't imagine what she'd do to my refrigerator in the middle of the night.

Anyway, once I "mere" my first order of business is to shut off the fan... I know because as soon as I walk in the room I hear "FAN.... OFF". I can't make this stuff up. She really does have decent manners for a 2 year old...just not at 6:30 AM.

So now here we are at 8... we've already watched Nemo ("Mama, Nemo touch it...the butt") and we've moved onto Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Oh joyous day.

How does your little one summon you to get out of bed?

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