As mentioned in a previous post little Miss JBean has Grunting Baby Syndrome (I'm sure JBean is really going to appreciate my sharing with the world when she's older) so I almost always know when she's doing her business. The glass for us is both half empty and half full -- JBean poops once a day usually (half full) but there's always a lot of poo (half empty). So last night JBeanie was sitting in her bouncy chair (She's discovered that if she kicks her legs, the toys on top move) and started with the ever so charming baby grunting (so lady like). It always happens during dinnertime, I swear. So Master P and I are enjoying the not so delightful dry chicken I prepared for dinner... and as I've learned, I need to wait until she is done doing her business before I try to clean her bum.
So I continued on with dinner while the obligatory waiting period went by.
Holy shit.
It was EVERYWHERE. Up her butt, on her back, in her bellybutton... and because she now thinks her bouncy seat is everywhere she kicked her little chicken legs and there was poop on her leg and her foot... EVERYWHERE.
It was time for an intervention. Bath time.
And so ends this messy diaper saga...
Hi! I found your blog from Jillybee Momma who I just love, she just makes my day with her posts!
ReplyDeleteI thought I would say hello and hope that you don't think I'm a creepy stalker but we have a lot in common. My son is also 7 weeks old, born May 28th. I love the name Jillian as that is my sister's name (Jillian Grace) Aiden (my son) has explosive farts that would put my husband's to shame. We also had a massive BLOWOUT diaper just yesterday that required a bath and I too had an unplanned c-section.
So all in all, I guess I am creepy (sorry!)
I look forward to reading more and more of your daily life as a new mommy and sharing the experiences with you!
~Megan =)
ReplyDeleteHoly creeper. j/k! Get out of my head! haha. When was Aiden due? Jillian was fashionably late -- she was supposed to be here on the 18th but just like her mama, she was too lazy to make a move. ;) She was born on the 27th - maybe when they're older we can set them up -- younger man, ooh la la. Thanks for reading. :)
PS I sooo lobbied for Jillian's middle name to be Grace, but I was vetoed. We ended up with Elizabeth, which originally was going to be her first name!
Aiden was due on June 3rd but due to complications (high blood pressure, gest. diabetes...the works) I was induced the night of the 27th and he came (via c-section) at 3:07am on the 28th.
ReplyDeleteI think Jillian Elizabeth is a pretty name! I have been told that Jillian Grace is also the name of a stripper so maybe your hubs knew that and didn't want the association, HA!
It's too bad we can't all get together and have a playdate, that would be a HOOT!
oh and to add to the creepiness, I'm also 26 and have been with the hubby 5 years (married 3)